while there is definitely a lot to EAT in taiwan – i did take some time to explore some scenic non-food related spots in taiwan. first stop was sun moon lake (thanks for the recommendation joanna!). at sun moon lake we woke up early, hiked along a path in attempts to see this beautiful sunrise people always rave about but the weather gods weren’t working in our favor. the skies were cloudy and gray and you couldn’t see much of a sunrise. it was a bit disappointing, since we didn’t have enough time to spend multiple days there but later that day the sun came out and it was gorgeous. we biked around the lake and had some tea eggs and then headed back to taiwan.
the next day we were off to check out yehliu geological park. spent a few hours wandering around exploring and being mesmerized by mother nature. the rock formations had these beautiful textures that reminded me of a marble cake! (yes, it is true i think about food all the time) afterwards we took a cab over to jeufen for dinner.